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Letter to Paolo Veronese by Francesco Sadinello from Castelfranco

Letter to Paolo Veronese by Francesco Sadinello from Castelfranco

Paolo Veronese (Paolo Caliari) (in 11 augustus 1568)

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  • Mariana Rocha Figueira asked

    My name is Mariana and I am working in the research department at the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, Sweden. I'm currently researching a copy of a Veronese from the collection. Some scholars have entitled it as Holy Family with Young St John and St Catherine while others as St Barbara. It looks like you have a sketch of the original painting and it would be interesting to know what has the patron asked the artist for. Would you by any chance have a transcript of this letter?

    Best regards,
    Mariana Rocha Figueira

  • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen answered

    Dear Mariana, thank you for your question. Our curator just sent you the transcript it in a separate email. Kind regards, Els


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Title Letter to Paolo Veronese by Francesco Sadinello from Castelfranco
Material and technique Pen and brown ink
Object type
Drawing (verso) > Drawing > Two-dimensional object > Art object
Location This object is travelling
Dimensions Width 199 mm
Height 306 mm
Artists Draughtsman: Paolo Veronese (Paolo Caliari)
Accession number I 40 verso (PK)
Credits Loan Stichting Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (former Koenigs collection), 1940
Department Drawings & Prints
Acquisition date 1940
Creation date in 11 augustus 1568
Watermark Hat with cross above (69 x 40 mm, upright, right of centre, on P5 of 7P, vH), compare Briquet 3412 (Chapeau; Parma 1526), 3418 (Salo 1543)
Inscriptions 'Sposi di laura 534 / con S. Zuani / con una Santa / Mada[len]a' (recto centre, in the artist's own hand, pen and brown ink). '40.' (verso, below right, pencil). Letter by Francesco Sadinello, dated 11 August 1568, in pen and brown ink (verso): 'Messer compare carissimo, a hore dui di note / molto travagliato, come dirà mio / figlio/ Scrivo come l'è buona oppinion mandar maestro Thomio et / potrà vegnir con li filoni dominica. Ho compra'il / vino il migliori che mai habiate havuto, buona et / sanno. Et vi aviso che l'anno futuro sarà carestia de / vino, che fa bisogno proveder a buona hora. / Ho fatto intendere a tuti li affituali il bisogno vostro / de farin. / Il formento val lire II staro, et ne ha dato via de / mio compar Loredan stara cinquanta ali pistor[i] / per tal pretio. / Idio vi conservi sanno et alegro con la comar[e] / et compare et la mia vedireta, la qual per sua / bontà preg[h]erà la maesta de Idio che, si è per il megl[i]or / me lasi veseto. Purtropo travagliato, non scrivo pi[ù] / oltra. / XI. auosto 1568 di Castelfranco / compare et quanto fratello / Francesco Sadinello'. 'P. V.se'. (verso, 18th century hand, pen and brown ink).
Collector Collector / Franz Koenigs
Mark P. Lely (L.2092), customs stamp (2x), F.W. Koenigs (L.1023a)
Provenance Sir Peter Lely (1618-1680, L.2092)*, London; - ; Franz W. Koenigs (1881-1941, L.1023a), Haarlem, acquired in 1925; D.G. van Beuningen (1877-1955), Rotterdam, acquired with the Koenigs Collection in 1940 and donated to Stichting Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Exhibitions Amsterdam 1934, no. 694; Venice 1939, no. 5; Rotterdam 1952, no. 101; Rotterdam 1957, no. 46; Washington 1988-89, no. 43; Rotterdam 1997, p. 18; Rotterdam 2009 (coll 2 kw 1); Verona 2014, no. 5.5
Research Show research Italian Drawings 1400-1600
Literature Von Hadeln 1926a, p. 30, pl. 31; Osmond 1927, p. 102; Fiocco 1928, p. 208; Von Hadeln 1933, pl. 13; Amsterdam 1934, no. 694; Borenius 1934, p. 194; Venice 1939, no. 5; Pallucchini 1941, pl. 76; Pallucchini 1943, pl. 80; Tietze/Tietze-Conrat 1944, no. 2073; Suida 1945, p. 176, fig. 3; Rotterdam 1952, no. 101; Oehler 1953, p. 31; Rotterdam 1957, no. 46, ill.; Crosato Larcher 1967, p. 113; Byam Shaw 1967, p. 47, no. 7, ill.; Rearick 1980, p. 13, no. 21; Badt 1981, pp. 43-44, fig. 12; Cocke 1984, no. 56, ill.; Washington 1988, no. 43, ill.; Van den Akker 1991, p. 163, fig. 240; Rotterdam 1997, p. 18; Cocke 2001, p. 164, n. 10; Huber 2005, p. 161, fig. 219 and p. 517, dok. no. 12; Whitaker/Clayton 2007, p. 230, under no. 77; Sarasota 2012, pp. 202-03, fig. 69; Verona 2014, no. 5.5, ill.
Geographical origin Italy > Southern Europe > Europe
Place of manufacture Venice > Veneto region > Italy > Southern Europe > Europe

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Entry catalogue Italian Drawings 1400-1600

This drawing is the verso of I 40. For the catalogue entry on this sheet, see the recto record for the drawing.


Show research Italian Drawings 1400-1600
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All about the artist

Paolo Veronese (Paolo Caliari)

Verona 1528 - Venetië 1588

Paolo Veronese was specialised in large biblical, allegorical and historical scenes. Veronese's choice of subject allowed him to fill his paintings with...

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