Like Steffan Goldschmidt, this weaver from Ulm gave up his trade to become a lansquenet. He was lucky to have been chosen as a 'Waibel' by the lansquenets; this was a well-paid post that attracted three times the usual rate of pay. A 'Waibel' assisted the corporal of the field in drawing up and practising the order of march and battle. He was also an important intermediary between the lansquenets and their captain.

Title | Ulrich von Ulm Barchant Weber |
Material and technique | Woodcut, watercolour and letter press |
Object type |
> Two-dimensional object
> Art object
Location | This object is in storage |
Dimensions |
Height 319 mm Width 200 mm |
Artists |
Niklas Stor
Publisher: Hans Guldenmund Writer: Hans Sachs |
Accession number | MB 2010/1 O (PK) |
Credits | Purchased with the support of Lucas van Leyden Foundation, Mondriaan Fund, Rembrandt Association and VSBfonds, 2010 |
Department | Drawings & Prints |
Acquisition date | 2010 |
Creation date | in circa 1530 |
Internal exhibitions |
Landsknechten en Turken (2009) |
Material | |
Object | |
Technique |
> Manual
> Relief printing techniques
> Printing technique
> Technique
> Material and technique
> Manual
> Relief printing techniques
> Printing technique
> Technique
> Material and technique