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Landscape with Bathing Women

Landscape with Bathing Women

Guercino (Francesco Barbieri) (in circa 1621)

Ask anything

  • Andrea asked

    What is the inventory number?

  • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen answered

    Hello Andrea,
    The inventory number of this specific work is 2900 (OK). You can find these numbers under "Accession Number" on the website, alongside the specifications of each artwork.
    Kind regards,

  • Dr. Andreas Hillebrand asked

    Is the client or patron of the painting known?

  • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen answered

    Hi Andreas, the first known owner of this painting was a person named Eberhard Jabach (1618-1695). We, however, do not know if he was the one who commisioned it. After Jabach's, the painting came in the collection of King Louis XIV. Kind regards, Els

  • Carlotta asked

    I'm a university student, I have to do a video for one of my class, I would like to know if it is possible to have more information about this paint (description of the scene, details in the foreground/ in the background).

    Best regards. Carlotta Todaro.

  • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen answered

    Hi Carlotta, I can't really tell you more about the scene itself. I would have to go to the library and look this up myself. I would advise you to search the artist, and see if there are certain characteristics of their work you can connect back to this piece. For example, this painting was dated using a reference work in Casino Ludovisi in Rome: 'Aurora'-fresco. If you contact bibliotheek@boijmans.nl they will have more information for you. For example, in our records there are two citations:
    \A \\Corpus of Italian Paintings from the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in Dutch Public Collections - nr. 80
    Cat. Legaat Vitale Bloch, 1978, no 16
    Best of luck with your class! Best, Lisa

  • Monica Polotti asked

    Please let me know how could we use this image for the catalogue of an exhibition that will be held in Aosta, Italy, from the next 4th Avril. Thanks so much. Regards. Monica Polotti

  • Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen answered

    Dear Monica, You can send an email to our image department (images@boijmans.nl). Best, Xin


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More information

It is known that Guercino painted only a few landscapes and almost all of them at the start of his career. This beautiful example is clearly inspired by Domenico Fetti, whose works Guercino had seen during his stay in Venice in 1618 or in Mantua in 1621. , Guercino painted few landscapes, and almost all of them at the beginning of his career. This fine example was clearly inspired by Domenico Fetti, whose works Guercino had seen during his stay in Venice in 1618 or in Mantua in 1621.

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Collection book

Collection book Order


Title Landscape with Bathing Women
Material and technique Oil on canvas
Object type
Painting > Painting > Two-dimensional object > Art object
Location This object is in storage
Dimensions Height 37 cm
Width 53,5 cm
Artists Painter: Guercino (Francesco Barbieri)
Accession number 2900 (OK)
Credits From the estate of Vitale Bloch, 1976
Department Old Masters
Acquisition date 1976
Creation date in circa 1621
Collector Collector / Vitale Bloch
Internal exhibitions De collectie als tijdmachine (2017)
Guercino en de Bolognese School (2017)
External exhibitions Landscape painting in Rome. 1600-1650 (2011)
Guercino and the Ludovisi Age in Rome. The Triumph of Painting (2024)
Geographical origin Italy > Southern Europe > Europe

Do you have corrections or additional information about this work? Please, send us a message

All about the artist

Guercino (Francesco Barbieri)

Cento 1591 - Bologna 1666

Guercino is a nickname that means something like 'the cross-eyed'; his real name was Francesco Barbieri. In 1621, he worked for Pope Gregory XV. His ceiling...

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