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The Rest on the Flight into Egypt

The Rest on the Flight into Egypt

Camillo Procaccini (in circa 1590-1593)

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Title The Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Material and technique Red chalk, heightened with white, on grey paper
Object type
Drawing > Two-dimensional object > Art object
Location This object is in storage
Dimensions Height 234 mm
Width 212 mm
Artists Draughtsman: Camillo Procaccini
Previously attributed: Correggio (Antonio Allegri)
Accession number I 266 recto (PK)
Credits Loan Stichting Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (former Koenigs collection), 1940
Department Drawings & Prints
Acquisition date 1940
Creation date in circa 1590-1593
Collector Collector / Franz Koenigs
Provenance Attilio Simonetti (1843-1925), Galleria Simonetti, Rome (L.2288bis); Franz W. Koenigs (1881-1941, L.1023a), Haarlem, acquired in 1928 from the Simonetti heir via art dealer Nicolaas Beets (Correggio); D.G. van Beuningen (1877-1955), Rotterdam, acquired with the Koenigs Collection in 1940 and donated to Stichting Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen
Exhibitions Washington/Parma 1984, no. 115; Rotterdam 2009 (coll 2 kw 1); Rotterdam 2017 (?)
Internal exhibitions De Collectie Twee - wissel I, Prenten & Tekeningen (2009)
Guercino en de Bolognese School (2017)
Research Show research Italian Drawings 1400-1600
Literature Ward Neilson 1979, p. 164, under no. 69, fig. 104 (c. 1599-1602); Washington/Parma 1984, no. 115, ill.
Highlight > Painting technique > Technique > Material and technique
Geographical origin Italy > Southern Europe > Europe

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Entry catalogue Italian Drawings 1400-1600

Author: Surya Stemerding

This drawing of the Holy Family pausing on the flight to Egypt was inventoried in 1928 as a Correggio (c.1489-1534) on the evidence of an annotation on the verso, but later, in 1962, Philip Pouncey reassigned it to Camillo Procaccini.[1] According to Ward Neilson (1979) it is very closely related in style to a pen drawing of the same subject by Procaccini in Paris and the print based on it, both of which are datable between 1587 and 1593.[2] Neilson sees a close resemblance in the pose and form of the Christ Child, in the heads of Mary and Joseph, and in the draperies. Between 1580 and 1600 Procaccini made a series of prints of the Rest on the Flight into Egypt, but the Rotterdam drawing has no direct relationship with those prints.[3]

The Rotterdam sheet is not only close to the Paris drawing in style but also to other drawings by the artist. It is very skilfully executed in red chalk, with pronounced diagonal hatching and forceful shaded passages.

Judging by the verso the sheet is a fragment of what was originally a much larger piece of paper. The verso has a red chalk drawing of a head with portions of the chin and neck visible at lower right.                     


[1] Note written on his visit to the museum on 18 May 1962, shared with the museum by Françoise Devaux in November 2019, also annotated on the passe-partout and the inventory card. On the passe-partout there is also an attribution to Barocci by ‘O.B.’ (possibly Otto Benesch).

[2] Musée du Louvre, inv. RF 602 recto; Bartsch XVIII,1 & 2. The left half of the scene in the print bears a striking resemblance to a painting on copper that is attributed to Procaccini, now in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, inv. WAS 1956.13.

[3] Rancate 2007, pp. 82-83, 198-204.

Show research Italian Drawings 1400-1600
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Camillo Procaccini

Parma 1561 - Milaan 1629

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