Titel | De maand september (Weegschaal) |
Materiaal en techniek | Pen in bruine inkt, bruin gewassen, kaderlijn met de pen in bruine inkt, op een rond stuk papier |
Objectsoort |
> Tweedimensionaal object
> Kunstvoorwerp
Locatie | Dit object is in het depot |
Afmetingen |
Diameter 140 mm |
Makers |
Hans Bol
Inventarisnummer | MB 2005/T 2 i (PK) |
Credits | Aankoop met steun van Stichting Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Vereniging Rembrandt, Mondriaan Fonds, Stichting Job Dura Fonds en Cultuurfonds, 2005 |
Collectie | Tekeningen & Prenten |
Verwervingsdatum | 2005 |
Vervaardigingsdatum | in 1580 |
Signatuur | ‘hans bol / 1580’ gesigneerd en gedateerd (middenonder, in pen in bruine inkt) |
Watermerk | geen (vH, 5P) |
Conditie | gedoubleerd |
Inscripties | geen |
Merkteken | geen |
Herkomst | zie onder inv.nr. MB 2005/T 2 a |
Tentoonstellingen | Amsterdam/Ontario 1972, nr. 3; Rotterdam 2004b; Rotterdam 2008 (coll 1 kw 1); Rotterdam 2010 (coll 2 kw 6); Parijs/Rotterdam 2014, nr. 32.9; Washington 2017, nr. # |
Interne tentoonstellingen |
De Collectie Twee - wissel VI, Prenten & Tekeningen (2010) Het jaar rond met Bol (2004) |
Externe tentoonstellingen |
Bosch to Bloemaert. Early Netherlandish Drawings from the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen (2014) Bosch to Bloemaert. Early Netherlandish Drawings (2017) |
Onderzoek |
Toon onderzoek Nederlandse tekeningen uit de vijftiende en zestiende eeuw |
Literatuur | [de serie:] Hollstein III, 1950, p. 51, onder nrs. 66-77; Hollstein IV, 1951, p. 206, onder nrs. 523-534; New Hollstein 2005-2006, part VI, p. 48, onder nrs. 1326-1337; Elen/Van der Coelen 2006, pp. 13-16; Collection Catalogue 2012 (online) |
Materiaal | |
Object | |
Techniek |
Bruin gewassen
> Wassen
> Gewassen
> Tekentechniek
> Techniek
> Materiaal en techniek
Entry bestandscatalogus Vroeg Nederlandse tekeningen uit de 15e en 16e eeuw
Auteur: Albert J. Elen
Deze beschrijving is momenteel alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.
Among the sixteenth-century Netherlandish drawings Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen owns four coherent groups which were made as designs for print series. Groups like these are rather unique as most have not survived or have been dispersed, individual drawings often missing since. These twelve miniature drawings by Hans Bol, which have been kept together in an album and have thus survived complete and in excellent condition, are designs for a series of prints depicting the twelve months, engraved by Adriaen Collaert (ca. 1560-1618) and published by Hans van Luyck in Antwerp around 1580-81.1 The museum owns a complete set of the first edition.
The depiction of the seasons (in series of four) and the months (in series of four, six or twelve) stems from medieval tradition; they are known from calendars in illuminated manuscripts. The genre was made popular by the dissemination of prints after designs by Pieter Bruegel. The artistic merits of the individual drawings in Bol’s series, combining the new landscape vision introduced by Bruegel with a highly accomplished miniature-like technique and great inventiveness, make it a milestone in the history of drawing. Despite their small size—the roundels have a diameter of only 14 cm each and look like miniatures—there is quite a lot to be seen in the carefully executed pen and brown ink drawings. They each show a variety of details from everyday life and bear witness to Bol’s double talent: he was both a landscapist and a ‘chronicler’ of everyday life. He was furthermore a pioneer of town views: some of the places in which the scenes in the twelve drawings are enacted can be identified as Antwerp (February), Brussels (September) and Bergen op Zoom (January).
The months can be identified by the signs of the Zodiac placed at top centre and by the occupations that are characteristic for each month:2 such as celebrating in January and May, skating in February, planting and pruning in March, cultivating the garden in April, shearing sheep in June, harvesting hay and grapes in July-August and September, wine making in October, felling trees and chopping wood in November, slaughtering pigs and processing meat in December.
Seven drawings are dated '1580' (February, May, June, July and September) or '1581' (October and November); all of these, except November are also fully signed. Assuming that the drawings were made in chronological order of the months, it may be concluded that January, March and April were made in 1580 and December in 1581.
In the depictions of the months June, July, August and October the signs of the zodiac were not executed on the sheet itself but each separately on a small circular piece of paper attached to it, probably as corrections. In the engravings – two consecutive months of one copper plate – Collaert has made changes where necessary (September and October), erroneously putting the sign of Pisces upside-down on the February engraving and horizontally mirroring the Cancer image of June. In the consecutively numbered engravings Collaert has added two double cadre Lines around each month, with the name in Latin capitals in between at the top, just above the sign of the zodiac, supplying the first with the names of the designer, engraver and publisher.
The print series served as a source of inspiration to contemporaries, including Bol’s follower Abel Grimmer (1570-1618) from Antwerp, who in 1599 even made a copy of the series in oil on tiny wood panels, of similar dimensions as the prints and in the same direction.3
The Twelve Months theme actually owes its popularity to Hans Bol and his successors. At the end of the sixteenth century the months were depicted in different ways. The landscape etchings with small figures by Peeter van der Borcht are entirely in the spirit of Bol’s series of 1580‑81, whereas Joos de Momper was placing large figures in his foregrounds. The series by Paul Bril (1615) and Jan van de Velde (1616) clearly herald the different ways in which Bol’s example would be followed later. The one chose to depict mountainous landscapes in the Italian manner, whereas the other highlighted the realistic element with lifelike Dutch landscapes. What all the series do however have in common are the signs of the Zodiac in the sky.
The Month September (Libra)
In the drawing for September the apple harvest is represented. Using tall ladders the apples are picked from the trees and collected in baskets. On the ground the fruit is then put into sacks. A cart with a load of apples is heading to a large city with an inner wall and several large churches, resembling Brussels as seen from the northern village Schaarbeek, identified as such by Franz in a city view drawn by Bol in the same year.4
This is the design for the ninth engraving in the series of illustrations of the months by Adriaen Collaert, published by Hans van Luyck (ill. 1).5 In the preparatory drawings for September and October the zodiacal signs for Scorpio and Libra were mistakenly switched—an error by the draughtsman that was corrected by the engraver. In another undated print series of the months, etched by Peeter van der Borcht (ca. 1535-1608) after designs by an anonymous artist, possibly Hans Bol, this time in a rectangular format and with different compositions, the apple harvest is depicted in the month October, indicated as such in the cartouche below, instead of in September.6
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1 New Hollstein 2005-06, part VI, pp. 48-56, nos. 1326-1337, illustrated (present in the museum’s collection, two successive months printed together on one sheet of paper, starting with January and February, ending with November and December: inv. no. L 1965/114 a-L).
2 Five years afterwards Bol designed a similar but oblong format series of the Months, with signs of the zodiac and labors of the months, with additional title print (EMBLEMATA EVANGELICA) and including scenes from the Life of Christ, which was likewise engraved by Adriaen Collaert, but published by Egidius Sadeler in 1585; New Hollstein 2005, part II, nos. 225-237, ill., a complete set is in the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, inv. no. BdH 10495 BFA 53-10507 BFA 53.
3 In the art trade, see the catalogue of The European Fine Art Fair (TEFAF), Maastricht 2010, p. 117, ill.
4 Vienna, Albertina, inv. no. 7921; Franz 1965, no. 121, pl. 102.
5 New Hollstein 2005-06, part VI, pp. 49-50, no. 1334, ill. on p. 55 (present in the museum’s collection, printed on one sheet of paper with October: inv. no. L 1965/114 i).
6 Possibly published by Gerard de Jode in Antwerp; New Hollstein 2004, no. 158, ill.; Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, inv. no. BdH 24796.